Higher Hawkerland Solar Farm - please give us your feedback
We hope you have found the information we have presented interesting and useful.

We would like to learn your views on our proposal and we hope you will take a moment to complete this form and share your views.

We value your feedback and will submit your comments with our planning application.

If you share your personal details, they will remain confidential and any of the data you provide will be used anonymously.

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Your name *
Your address
Your postcode *
Your email address *
Your telephone number
Please select the answer that describes you best *
Strongly agree
Don't know
Strongly disagree
Climate change is an important issue
I support solar projects
In principle I support solar energy projects in my area
The local area will benefit from this proposal
This is an appropriate site for a solar farm
I support the solar farm project
Would you like us to keep you informed about the progress of the solar farm proposal by email?
If you would like to make any further comments about our proposal please write them in the space below. Thank you for your time and for sharing your views.
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